06 June, 2010

Coming soon ... Whiteleaf Jewellery!

It says in my profile that I have two brands of jewellery. Well, this is mostly true. Or it will be true shortly. Because, ladies and gentlemen and others, on this day next week I will be launching my second brand: Whiteleaf Jewellery. (Trumpet fanfare)
Oh, the excitement! The terror! The enormous amount of work still to be done!

Here's a sneak preview:

Seriously, it is a bit scary. It is a little like starting my business all over again. This time, however, I know what I am doing.
I think.
I am very excited about the new brand. It is wonderful because it has given me a chance to do a lot of things that I have chosen not to do with Silverlight Jewellery. With two brands, I feel as though I can have the best of both worlds.
I could go into enormous depth about all the different decisions I have made, and what led me to start up a new brand, and the long period of preparation invested before one actually gets anywhere near the point of being ready to launch, but that would really only be interesting to another jewellery designer. Instead I shall simply say that more details about this new brand will be forthcoming later this week.
Stay tuned!


Bobbie Pene said...

I have two brands of jewellery also Emma and think it is a great business move. My Everyday Beautiful range is what I sell on Felt and I have my "Bobbie Pene" range on my website www.bobbiepene.co.nz. The price points for these two ranges are different and that is why I chose to keep them separate. It is easier to target different customers with two or more brands. All the best for the launch of your Whiteleaf range and I look forward to seeing your creations. Have a lovely day :)

Silverlight said...

Thanks, Bobbie! It took me a long time to realise that I could have two brands, but once the idea sank in, it seemed so obvious. The ideas flowed thick and fast, and within 48 hours I knew exactly what this new brand would look like. :-) Have a great weekend.

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