21 June, 2010

Why do you need to get away?

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don't need to escape from.

- Seth Godin.


I'm probably preaching to the converted if you're reading this blog, but I often wonder why people drift through life waiting for the weekend ... for the holidays ... for their lives to become free and interesting.

Why do you wait for your life to change when you could change it yourself?

If the reason you're not changing your life is because you can't really be bothered or you don't really want it badly enough, then stop whining about the life you have now. If you don't like it, change it; if you don't want to change it, stop complaining about it. 
If you feel that change is impossible, you have two options: make change possible, or learn to live with your situation.
But in all honesty, change is rarely impossible. What stops us changing things is not so much our ability as it is our fear.


Louise said...

Heard, and agree. I think the reason why most of us don't change is that we are just to darn comfortable in our discomfort. Change is even more unbearable and might bring (gasp!) success - and what on earth would we do then? More change? Are you kidding? So there you have it (for most of us...) We are waiting for the big kick in the pants. ;)

Silverlight said...

You're so right, Louise. I wonder if this is one reason why so many people settle for boring lives - they're too afraid, not just of failure, but of success. Sir Isaac Newton said, "Every body continues in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change by forces impressed upon it." He was talking about physical objects, of course, but the same thing applies to people. We don't want to change unless we are compelled to.

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