23 May, 2010

The Whole Point Of This Blog

Welcome to me, and to you. Welcome to my blog. I’ve spent several weeks fussing with the layout and trying to decide exactly what I want this blog to be about. (Perfectionism is a pain sometimes! It makes it hard to get anything done.) I've decided that there are three things I want to do with this blog.

Like many artists, I am trudging/fumbling/charging my way through the world in an attempt to have it all: the satisfaction of doing what I love, and enough money to live the lifestyle I want. It doesn’t seem that much to ask, but if you are an artist then you will know that sometimes the whole world seems to want to prove right the people who told you that you could never have both your art and enough money to live without having to sell any limbs. This blog is aimed primarily at artists who, like me, are trying to make a living from their art.
In effect, I will be sharing three things.

1. The resources that I have found helpful, and my own experiences that have taught me something. (But I'll be leaving out the really embarassing bits. 'Cause that's best.)

2. A window on my work, because it is the centre of my aforementioned plot to make a living, and the work of other artists, because I find others' work to be very inspiring. I have found it very encouraging to meet, through the mighty and vast Interwebs (yes, I do speak lolspeak occasionally), other ‘handmade people’ who are trying to do what I’m doing.

3. The wisdom of others. We rely too little on the wisdom of those who have been there, done that, thought about it, and come to a helpful conclusion. “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” (Eleanor Roosevelt.)

So that is what this blog is all about: learning from others, and listening to yourself, while you plot to take over the world chase your dream.
Thanks for joining me. I hope it turns out to be worth your while.
(And mine, come to think of it.)


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