01 November, 2010

Silverlight Jewellery is in an ArtFire Collection!

A first! Silverlight Jewellery's 'Old Blood' earrings were featured in this jewellery-themed Collection by Bead Supply on ArtFire: http://bit.ly/cIfQBA

It's very flattering to be included. ArtFire sent me a very kindly-worded notification E-mail, informing me that my work had been selected for a Collection, congratulating me, and telling me to be encouraged because this meant that my work was good and people were noticing it. Very cool for a form E-mail.
That E-mail, and being included in the Collection, reminded me how something small can actually make a hugely positive difference to us. I'm sure that it's not significant to Bead Supply that my jewellery was included, but for me it was a tremendous compliment. We never know when our minor, insignificant deed for someone else actually means an awful lot to them.


Unknown said...

Congratulations :-)

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