18 October, 2010

A clever self-promotion solution

Many artists find it very difficult to talk positively about their own work. When someone compliments you on your bracelet - which you made and are wearing - what do you say?
Just, "Thanks"? 
Or, "Thanks - I'm really pleased with the way it turned out"? 
Or the self-deprecating and downbeat, "Oh, this old thing? Not my best work, I'm afraid"?

Lots of us, enamoured though we are of our work, become completely tongue-tied when someone compliments it. Starting to talk about ourselves and our art feels a bit too much like bragging or aggressive marketing (yuck!). Yet we don't want that precious compliment to slip away without the giver knowing what it means to us as artists. We want that person to know that they have just complimented not just our tastes, but our work - our art - our souls.
And, of course, we really want them to know where they can get a piece of our work for themselves - and pay us for it ... 

Here is a clever solution from Megan Auman of Crafting An MBA.
Be sure to read some of the comments for further expansion on the idea.
I'm going to use this next time someone compliments a piece of my jewellery. I'll let you know what happens.


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