26 January, 2011

So, what do you do?

"So, what do you do to earn a living?"

Ah, yes. That question.
My standard answer is, "I'm a full time, self-employed jewellery artist", which means that the next question is invariably, "What kind of jewellery do you make?", or, "What does that involve?"
I usually manage to cobble together some kind of reasonably cogent response to the first question; something along the lines of, "I make hand-assembled jewellery from pre-made components, and I have two brands", followed by an explanation of the brand styles. In answer to the second question, however, my impulse is always to to ask, "How much time do you have?"

What I actually say is much less succinct, and involves a lot of fumbling for a way of translating the technical terms of what I do into a pithy statement that will be understood by people who don't even know what a cabochon is, much less a baile or a headpin. And most of them haven't even heard of Twitter!

So I have been thinking that I need a more coherent, eloquent way of expressing what I do. And it came to me a few weeks ago:

"What does that involve? 
It involves a working knowledge of the handmade movement, 
the online shopping industry, 
and social media;
plus skills in
customer service, 
time management, 
and jewellery making.
It demands devotion, determination, punctiliousness, and passion." 
Now I just have to memorise it. 


Louise said...

Brilliant. Just b-r-i-l-l-i-a-n-t. We're a highly skilled bunch of entrepreneurial lassies!

Silverlight said...

Thank you, Louise! I spent quite a while perfecting that little spiel. I felt that something was needed to make the point that we artisans don't just stay home and play with beads all day.

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