08 September, 2010

Rebranding of Silverlight Jewellery - sneak peek #3

I have been flat out preparing new designs and new photographs for Silverlight Jewellery's big relaunch in - argh - four days' time.
As promised, here's a preview of some of the new designs.

This coming Monday - all going well - the Silverlight Jewellery shops on Felt, Zibbet, and ArtFire will be given their spandy new banners and will be filled with such beauties as are pictured above. 

On the launch day, I will be releasing a special code that will enable those who use it to receive a discount on their Silverlight Jewellery order - from any Silverlight Jewellery webshop. The code will be released on my blog, mailing list, and Twitter account, so follow any (or all!) of those to get it. Then simply be sure to enter it into the 'message to seller' or 'notes to seller' field when you check out of any of the Silverlight Jewellery online shops. A $6.00 discount (in American or New Zealand dollars; whichever currency you paid in) will be refunded to you, whether you have paid via PayPal, credit card, or bank deposit.

Right, back to the jewellery desk. So much to do, so little time ...
And at some point I really should sleep ...


Bobbie Pene said...

I just love the key with the red rose. Can't wait to see the new look and all your new goodies :)

petitecarousel said...

am loving the new look! can't wait for the launch =)

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