26 July, 2010

Photography help from Bomobob

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a handmade item in possession of an online listing must be in want of an excellent photograph.

(O.K., that was dreadful. Apologies to Jane Austen.)

One of my better photographs: Green Forest earrings, available on Felt and Zibbet.

Time and time again, sellers on Etsy and other handmade-goods venues are reminded to work on their photographs. Superb photos are the best way - arguably the only way - to attract buyers to your handmade or vintage items. Below is a link to an excellent guest post by Bomobob, an Etsy seller who is known in the Etsy forums for his helpful photography advice, on Morphologica's Etsy Business Tips blog (which is a very helpful blog and I recommend it).



Bobbie Pene said...

Thanks for the links. Photos are always a big deal and I am still learning.

Unknown said...

Each time I read something it makes me go back and re-do my pics - always learning :-)

Some of my first ones were pretty bad :-)

Silverlight said...

Thanks for your comments, Bobbie and Gill.
Photographs are such a big deal, aren't they? A fellow artist on Twitter said that photographs are the hardest part of this job, and I agreed. Everyone who wants to sell online pretty much has to become a professional photographer - regardless of whether or not they are interested in photography!

Gill, I cringe at some of my early photographs. I'm amazed that anyone bought my stuff! It's a bit embarrassing, now; but we all start in the same place. We're all newbies at some stage.

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